Due Deligence

If you’d like to talk to us about you environmental due deligence project, or anything else, we’d love to hear from you

How can we help you?
Contact us at the Consults office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Contact info

Ashawa Consult’s staff have been involved in over 200 projects requiring environmental due diligence that include: commercial and industrial property acquisition; development or expansion of energy generation facilities; pipeline corridors; site development; compliance audits and environmental management programs.

We provide a full range of capabilities that meet industry due diligence needs which include:.
• Preliminary Assessments and Site Inspection services.
• Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies to include sampling and risk assessments that help define the nature and extent of site contamination.
• Alternatives analyses and remedial plans to stop or reduce the effects of hazardous substances on the environment and the public.
• Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
• Ongoing long-term monitoring programs and Regulatory reviews as required once remedial actions are complete.
• Environmental Audits and solutions that ensure regulatory adherence under federal, state and local requirements.


Our staff has held positions in industry, national business consultancies and federal and state agencies. Their collective experience provides a solid background for our clients when delivering audit and compliance management solutions.

Our mission

How can we help you?

Contact us and let us help you produce a fair, balanced and
all-encompassing assessment to aid decision making while respecting rights, protocols and traditions.